How to Make Scented Candles for Business

How to Make Scented Candles for Business

Creating scented candles for a business involves more than just blending wax and fragrance. It requires careful planning, quality control, and creativity. If you’re looking to enter the scented candle market, here’s a step-by-step guide to help you produce high-quality candles that will stand out in the marketplace.

Gather Your Supplies

To start making scented candles, you’ll need the following supplies:

  • Wax: Choose from paraffin, soy, beeswax, or a blend. Soy wax is popular for its clean burn and eco-friendly nature.
  • Wicks: Select the right size and type (cotton, wood, or hemp) based on your wax and container.
  • Fragrance Oils: High-quality, skin-safe fragrance oils are essential for a strong, appealing scent.
  • Dyes: Optional, for adding color to your candles.
  • Containers or Molds: Decide on the shape and size of your candles. Glass jars, tins, and silicone molds are common choices.
  • Thermometer and Pouring Pitcher: For precise temperature control during the melting and pouring process.

You can find these supplies on platforms like, which offers a range of products for candle-making.

Prepare Your Workspace

Set up a clean, organized workspace. Ensure proper ventilation, especially if you’re working with fragrance oils. Have all your supplies within reach and prepare your containers or molds.

Measure and Melt the Wax

  • Measure Wax: Determine the amount of wax needed based on the size of your containers. Generally, you’ll need around 1.5 times the volume of your container in wax.
  • Melt Wax: Use a double boiler or a pouring pitcher over a pot of simmering water to melt the wax. Heat until it reaches the recommended temperature (usually between 170-180°F or 76-82°C).

Add Fragrance and Color

  • Fragrance: Once the wax is melted, remove it from heat and add fragrance oils. Typically, you’ll add about 1 ounce of fragrance per pound of wax, but this can vary based on the strength of the scent and personal preference.
  • Color: If desired, add candle dye. Stir thoroughly to ensure even color distribution.

Prepare the Wicks

  • Attach Wicks: Secure the wicks to the bottom of your containers using wick stickers or hot glue. Ensure they are centered and straight.
  • Wick Size: Make sure the wick is appropriate for the diameter of your container to ensure a proper burn.

Pour the Wax

  • Pouring: Let the wax cool slightly before pouring (usually around 130-140°F or 54-60°C). Slowly pour the wax into your containers, leaving a small gap at the top.
  • Cooling: Allow the candles to cool completely at room temperature. Avoid moving them during this time to prevent uneven surfaces or cracking.

Trim the Wicks

Once the candles have cooled and set, trim the wicks to about 1/4 inch (6 mm) above the surface of the wax. This helps ensure a clean, even burn and prevents soot.

Testing and Quality Control

  • Burn Test: Test a few candles to ensure they burn evenly and release the desired scent. Adjust wick size or fragrance concentration if necessary.
  • Adjustments: Based on testing, make any needed adjustments to your wax blend, wick size, or fragrance levels.

Packaging and Labeling

Create attractive packaging and labels for your candles. Include essential information such as scent name, ingredients, and safety instructions. Packaging should protect the candles during shipping and appeal to your target audience.

Marketing and Distribution

Develop a marketing strategy to promote your candles. Utilize social media, online marketplaces, and local retailers to reach potential customers. Consider offering samples or hosting events to showcase your products.

For reaching a broader audience, you might also consider listing your scented candles on, an online shopping platform that provides visibility and easy access to potential customers.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to creating high-quality scented candles that can capture the interest of consumers. With attention to detail and a focus on quality, your candle business can shine brightly in the market.

Looking to diversify your offerings? Our guide on How to Make Scented Candles for Business can provide you with the insights needed to expand your product line and grow your online business faster.


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