How to Make Resin Pendants?

How to Make Resin Pendants?

Creating resin pendants is a captivating and rewarding DIY craft that lets you produce unique personalized jewelry pieces. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned crafter, making resin pendants offers numerous benefits and creative possibilities. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you through the process:

Resin pendants are crafted from epoxy resin, a versatile material that can be molded into various shapes and infused with colors, textures, and decorative elements. This craft has gained popularity due to its customization potential, versatility, and accessibility, making it an appealing choice for DIY enthusiasts.

Discover why making resin pendants has become a favored DIY craft and explore its unique benefits:

Customization: Resin allows endless customization. You can embed dried flowers, glitter, small charms, or even photographs, creating one-of-a-kind designs that reflect your taste.

Versatility: With various molds available, resin pendants can be crafted in numerous shapes and sizes, from simple geometric designs to intricate patterns.

Accessibility: Resin and its molds are accessible to every individual interested in creative crafting. The basic supplies are affordable and easy to find, making it a great entry point into the DIY jewelry world.

Creativity: Working with resin provides an opportunity to experiment with colors, textures, and techniques, allowing crafters to explore their artistic side and produce unique pieces.

Gift Potential: Handmade resin pendants make thoughtful and personalized gifts, perfect for any occasion.

Materials Needed

To create beautiful resin pendants with ease, gather the following essential materials:

Epoxy Resin and Hardener

  • Epoxy Resin: A clear, liquid plastic that hardens when mixed with a hardener.
  • Hardener: Reacts with the resin to cause it to cure and solidify.

Pendant Molds

  • Silicone Molds: Available in various shapes and sizes, these molds are essential for forming the resin into pendant shapes.

Mixing Cups and Sticks

  • Mixing Cups: Used to mix resin and hardener.
  • Mixing Sticks: For stirring the resin mixture.

Pigments or Dyes

  • Pigments: Powders or pastes used to add color to your resin.
  • Dyes: Liquid dyes that can be mixed into the resin for transparent or opaque effects.

Additives (Optional)

  • Glitter: Adds sparkle and visual interest.
  • Small Charms: Tiny decorative elements to embed in the resin.
  • Dried Flowers: Provides a unique, organic touch.

Protective Gear

  • Gloves: To protect your hands from resin.
  • Mask: To avoid inhaling fumes from the resin.

Craft Tools

  • Toothpicks: Useful for manipulating the resin and removing bubbles.
  • Small Brushes: For applying pigments or dyes.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Follow these step-by-step instructions to guide you through the resin pendant-making process:

Prepare Your Work Area

  • Clean and Ventilate: Thoroughly clean your workspace and ensure it is well-ventilated to avoid exposure to harmful fumes.
  • Lay Down a Protective Cover: Use plastic sheeting, old newspapers, or disposable tablecloths to protect your work surface.

Mix the Resin

  • Follow Instructions: Read and follow the resin kit instructions for mixing ratios and curing times.
  • Mix Resin and Hardener: Combine the resin and hardener in the correct ratio and stir thoroughly to avoid bubbles.

Add Color and Additives

  • Divide Resin Mixture: If using multiple colors, divide the resin mixture into separate cups.
  • Add Pigments, Dyes, or Additives: Incorporate colors, glitters, or other decorative elements into the resin.
  • Stir Gently: Mix colors and additives into the resin carefully to avoid creating bubbles.

Pour the Resin into Molds

  • Carefully Pour: Pour the resin slowly into the molds, starting from one side.
  • Distribute Resin: Use toothpicks or brushes to distribute the resin and ensure even coverage.
  • Remove Air Bubbles: Use a heat gun or torch to remove any bubbles from the surface of the resin.

Let the Resin Cure

  • Allow Curing Time: Let the resin cure according to the instructions provided, typically 24 to 48 hours.
  • Ensure Dust-Free: Keep the molds in a clean, dust-free area to prevent imperfections.

Remove the Pendants from the Molds

  • Gently Demold: Flex the silicone mold to release the pendant. Avoid using force to prevent damage.
  • Sand Rough Edges: If needed, sand any rough edges with fine-grit sandpaper for a smooth finish.

Attach to Jewelry Findings

  • Use Jump Rings and Pendant Bails: Attach the pendant to a jump ring or bail. Secure the jump ring and ensure the bail is properly fixed.
  • Attach to Chains or Cords: Thread the pendant onto a chain or cord and secure it.

Finishing Touches

Complete your resin pendants with these finishing touches for a polished and professional look:

Optional Resin Coating

  • Coating Purpose: Apply a final layer of resin coating to enhance shine and durability.
  • Application: Mix a small amount of resin and apply it carefully over the pendant’s surface. Allow it to cure according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Tips for Success

To ensure the best results with your resin pendants, follow these practical tips for success:

Avoiding Bubbles

  • Stir Slowly: Mix the resin gently to minimize air bubbles.
  • Use Heat: Apply gentle heat to the surface to remove bubbles.

Experimenting with Colors and Textures

  • Mix Colors: Test different color combinations and additives.
  • Test Small Batches: Experiment on smaller projects before larger ones.

Practicing with Simpler Molds

  • Start Small: Begin with basic molds to practice.
  • Build Skills Gradually: Progress to more complex designs as you gain confidence.


Making resin pendants is a delightful craft that offers endless creative possibilities. Whether you’re creating custom jewelry or exploring new artistic techniques, the satisfaction of crafting your own pendants is truly rewarding.

Encouragement to Explore More Crafting Possibilities

As you gain experience, consider exploring other resin projects and designs. The skills you develop can be applied to a variety of crafts, expanding your creative horizons. To further grow your crafting business or delve into other aspects of online ventures, check out our article on how to grow your online business faster.

Visit for Supplies

Ready to start your resin crafting journey? Visit for all your resin supplies, including epoxy resin, molds, pigments, and more. Get everything you need to bring your creative visions to life and enjoy crafting beautiful, personalized jewelry!


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